It began with some crayons, my little sister, and hot summer days on my Papaw’s front porch.

Arkansas summers and working in the garden with my sister, Katrina, fill my earliest memories with happiness and warmth. After a day of gardening and shelling peas, we would bring out a fresh box of crayons, colored pencils, and butcher paper to create dreams and new worlds on paper — something I continue to do to this day. It’s always been clear to me that God put me on this earth to be an artist and create beautiful things to share with the world.

I grew up in Denison, Texas, where I met and married my high-school sweetheart, Scott, to whom I’ve been married for 34 wonderful years. Our two beautiful boys, Tristan Scott and Logan Maverick, carry on creating in new and inventive ways through their music, photography, and engineering. It’s evident to me that they were put on this earth to create beautiful things as well. My family’s unwavering love, support, and warmth are what has supported me through thick and thin — no matter what.