Jessica Loving grew up in the once-sleepy mountain town of Conifer, Colorado. She spent much of her childhood being fortunate enough to experience extensive international travel with her family. This gift of ultimately, wanderlust, thoroughly enriched her being. Before the age of 20, she had already visited over 30 countries and seven continents.

Jessica studied Fine Art at Eckerd College in St. Petersburg, Florida, from which she graduated in 2005. After moving back to Denver in 2006, she immediately became active in the art scene. She co-founded Sync Gallery. She helped run several Denver-based co-op galleries including NEXT Gallery, EDGE, Sync and Core New Art Space. Currently, her work is represented by galleries in Texas and Colorado. Her large-scale mixed media paintings are part of collections worldwide — private and corporate.

Her intuitive art-making process is something that she has been nurturing for twenty years. She believes that her best work comes from a place tucked beyond the seen. She often finds her work is a by-product of shamanic journeying. In this practice, she believes that one can connect with their intuition and guides, gain access to healing and beautifully co-exist with the magic of the void.

Jessica is also co-founder of the full-service marketing boutique, (in)spiregraphics. When she is not busy in the studio, she can be found hiking, snowboarding, backpacking, kayaking or embarking upon some sort of fantastic outdoor adventure with her husband, daughter and twin sons.


A dappled partition of light falls from a breathing ceiling. Enormous arched ribs hold up needly, leafy greens, evoking the oldest and purest principles of Gothic architecture. Light and shadow tangle and ultimately seep into one another — a watercolor tapestry that never settles; a Rorschach form always searching. Their conversation of back-and-forths can be seen on the ground beneath — soft sigh of dark, response of light.

Canopy is the distillation of this conversation. The visual poetry of light and shadow at play beneath the richness of a lush tree canopy. A world contained in the rhythmic meanderings of coolness and warmth.

This body of work has served as a place of meaningful ritual and retreat. When creating the work, I have initiated the painting session by immersing myself in the forest. It is a sacred environment; a world contained where one can explore and inhabit. When the rough edges of society rattle and rage, here is this beautifully encapsulated space where sounds are softened, light is filtered, storms are blunted and all that remains are held by the tangle of earthen giants holding up the sky. That’s where these reside.

These mixed media paintings were created by layering pigment and crushed stone, light-reactive materials such as glass and metallics amid a crystalline finish. They are inspired by light and thus seek to engage actively with the changing light of their environment — continuing to participate in the neverending call and response of these contrasting forces.