My parents enrolled me in art classes when I was 11 years old. Later in High School I excelled in art which led to a degree in Art Ed. After college I taught high school art for seven years. During that time I completed a Master of Fine Art with an emphasis on drawing and print making including lithography, intaglio and mixed media drawings. After teaching art I changed careers. I retired March 1, 2014 after 32 years in the pharmaceutical business and now enjoy pursuing my life long interest in the visual arts. My wife and I live in Evergreen,  Colorado near our two daughters, son in laws and 5 grandchildren. Life is good.

I get my inspiration from nature and in particular the subtle and sometimes bold contrasts in light, color and shadow during different times of the day. My subjects include landscapes, still life’s and other images from Colorado, Pennsylvania and my travels around the United States. I prefer the contrast you see early in the morning and late afternoon. The media I use include watercolor, oil, soft and oil pastels, graphite and colored pencils, gouache and an occasional mix of all. The style of my work alternates between tightly controlled drawing to a free and fluid use of the media I am using. I love to draw and paint while in the comfort of my studio with  great music playing in the background. It’s not much more complicated then that.