Intro to Portraits in Oil with Mark Creamer
May 13 @ 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Level: Beginning/Intermediate
Instructor: Mark Creamer
April 15 – May 20 (6 Tuesdays)
1 – 3 pm
$140 CAE member / $155 non-member
Minimum 3 / Maximum 8
In this beginner to intermediate class, students will focus on the foundations of portraiture. We will explore basic techniques of the old masters and the application of oil paint to create human form, features, and depth. The goal of this class is for you to become comfortable using oil paint to represent human subjects. Please note that we will not be painting from life. You are encouraged to bring a reference image (digital or printed) that you would like to paint, or the instructor can assist you in identifying a subject.
What you’ll learn:
- Properties of oil paint and mixing mediums (specific for this class: Liquin as a medium)
- The basics of human anatomy and its application to portrait painting
- Methods to reflect accurate proportions and likeness in your artwork
- Ways to think about and apply oil paint for a cohesive piece
- The use of layering and glazing for desired effects
- Aspects of oil painting to find your own unique style
Supply lists
Oil paints — recommended:
- Titanium White
- Ultramarine Blue
- Burnt Sienna
- Magenta
- Cadmium Yellow
- Cadmium Red
- Raw Umber
- Titanium Buff
Oil paints — optional:
- Red Oxide
- Prussian Blue
- Cerulean Blue
- Naples Yellow
- Yellow Ochre
- Indian Yellow
Oil medium: Liquin (Winsor & Newton Liquin Original)
Brushes — flexible on what you have/want; recommended:
- Natural brushes (hog hair): variety of sizes (2 – 16 inch) and shapes (round, flat, filbert, fan)
- Sable brushes (natural). Note: these are good quality but expensive, so please be mindful based on how much you want to invest
Canvas: any size can be used; recommended 16″ x 20″ or 18″ x 24″
Palette: (wood; glass; wet palette; or paper palette / palette pad)
Palette knife (small or medium Long Spade)
T-shirt rags (old t shirts or t-shirt rag cloths that can be purchased on Amazon)
Natural or odorless turpenoid (for brush cleaning)
Tablet, phone, or photograph of a subject/reference image to paint