Why Give?
“Because Art Matters”
Because of you, and generous people like you in our mountain community, Center for the Arts Evergreen had an amazing year of exhibitions, education, and events. We hosted local and national artists in our gallery and our classroom, had a full summer of camps for kids and teens, produced gallery and outdoor concerts, provided free opportunities for other area nonprofits to engage with the arts, held a successful Summerfest to date, and celebrated the grand opening of our 5,800 sq. ft. expansion project, including an Artist-in-Residence program, artist rental studios, and a first-class ceramics studio. And we can’t wait to do it all again – and more – next year!
But, like all nonprofits, we can’t do it alone. So we’re humbly asking that this year you consider Center for the Arts Evergreen in your philanthropic plan. Our goal is to raise $60K, specifically to fulfill the many equipment needs of our new community-driven art spaces. The window for Colorado Gives Day donations is open, and your gift, no matter the amount, is appreciated more than you know.
Could you help us meet our goal early? Please consider making a tax-deductible gift to CAE as an individual or as a business through Delta Dental’s Good for Business Challenge with up to $1000 matched per business! Your support and generosity in any amount are appreciated now more than ever.
Other Ways to Give
Click on a category below to expand the accordion menu and explore others ways to give to Center for the Arts Evergreen. A donation of any the types below can be designated for:
- General Operating Expenses, or
- Center for the Arts Evergreen’s Capital Campaign
Wiring or Electronic Transfer of funds is an easy way to make a contribution to our Capital Campaign. Your financial institution will require the following information for you to wire funds to our account.
Please contact Center for the Arts (303-674-0056) and let us know that you would like to wire funds to our account. Please be sure to give us your name and address. This is necessary because wire and electronic transfers are NOT MADE in the name of the owner (you), but in the name of the financial firm. We will only be able to provide you with a receipt letter if you notify us of your gift. Please contact our broker, Huiting Wealth Management for specific instructions.
Huiting Wealth Management Group of Wells Fargo Advisors
Randolph Huiting, Financial Advisor
Phone #: 303-670-4904
A few options to consider:
- Leave us a percentage of your assets through a gift in your will. Designate a percentage of your retirement plan assets to benefit Center for the Arts Evergreen after your lifetime.
- Donate appreciated stock you have owned for more than one year.
- Donate your home or another piece of real estate.
- Arrange a charitable remainder trust to benefit Center for the Arts Evergreen.
Charitable Trusts:
One method for donating to Center for the Arts Evergreen is through a charitable trust. A charitable trust can solve various estate and income-tax planning problems — all in addition to providing meaningful support to Center for the Arts Evergreen.
With a charitable trust, you can provide either an income or a remainder interest for Center for the Arts Evergreen while retaining the other interest for yourself or your beneficiaries. Two basic types of charitable trusts are commonly used: a charitable remainder trust and a charitable lead trust. These two basic charitable trusts are available in several variations. The trust that best suits you and CAE will depend on several factors. As you consider the types of charitable trusts available, keep in mind that before establishing a charitable trust, you should always seek qualified tax and legal advice.
A charitable remainder trust lets a donor make a substantial charitable gift now while receiving income from the assets for use during his or her lifetime. The trustee of a charitable remainder trust can sell appreciated property through the trust and obtain a desired level of income for the donor from the proceeds without incurring immediate capital gains taxes. Consequently, more is left to be invested to provide income for the donor and ultimately benefit the charity.
When you donate property to a charity through a remainder trust, you transfer ownership of the property to the trust, which then pays income to you during the trust’s term.
You determine the amount of income you will receive based on a percentage of the donated property’s fair market value. At your death, the death of your beneficiary or the completion of the trust’s term, the trustee will distribute the balance of the trust assets to Center for the Arts Evergreen. You may retain the right to change beneficiaries and to name multiple charitable beneficiaries.
A charitable lead trust is often structured to provide gift tax benefits and no current income tax deduction. However, the income from the assets is reported by the trust with an off-setting deduction for the amount paid to Center for the Arts.
For complete information or to name Center for the Arts in your trust contact:
Huiting Wealth Management Group of Wells Fargo Advisors
Randolph Huiting, Financial Advisor
Phone #: 303-670-4964
Transferring appreciated stocks and securities to Center of the Arts, Evergreen can be a great way to make a charitable gift, and you can benefit in two ways. By donating publicly traded stocks that have been held long-term (owned for more than one year) you may avoid capital gains taxes. Plus, you may take the full fair market value of the gift (on the date it is transferred, rather than the amount you originally paid for it) as a charitable deduction on your income taxes. You may transfer securities either from a brokerage account or from your IRA account.
Depreciated Stocks & Securities
You can also use depreciated stocks and bonds to make a charitable gift that will benefit you as well as Center for the Arts Evergreen. If you sell the stocks or bonds and donate the proceeds to Center for the Arts Evergreen you may be able to take a charitable deduction for the full value of the gift, and you may be able to take the capital loss on the asset. Please consult your broker to determine if this method is right for you.
Please consult your attorney or financial advisor to determine the tax deductions that apply in your case. Center for the Arts Evergreen cannot offer tax advice. Please contact our broker, Huiting Wealth Management for specific instructions.
Please contact Center for the Arts (303-674-0056) and let us know that you would like to wire funds to our account. Please be sure to give us your name and address. This is necessary because wire and electronic transfers are NOT MADE in the name of the owner (you), but in the name of the financial firm. We will only be able to provide you with a receipt letter if you notify us of your gift. Please contact our broker, Huiting Wealth Management for specific instructions.
Required Minimum Distribution:
If you have reached the age of 70½ and are faced with the RMD, keep in mind that up to $100,000 may be donated without tax obligations within the RMD guidelines. Please consult your tax advisor for information on supporting CAE in this manner.
Huiting Wealth Management Group of Wells Fargo Advisors
Randolph Huiting, Financial Advisor
Phone #: 303-670-4904
Please be sure to give us your name and address. This is necessary because electronic transfers of stock are NOT MADE in the name of the owner (you), but in the name of the financial firm. We will only be able to provide you with a receipt letter if you notify us of your gift.
A Tribute Gift is a donation made in honor of someone living. The donor receives the IRS tax credit. We will notify the recipient by mail that a gift has been made in their honor however will not mention the amount of the gift.
A Memorial Gift is a donation made in honor of someone deceased. The donor receives the IRS tax credit. We will notify a third-party by mail that a gift has been made in their honor however will not mention the amount of the gift.
Please contact us to complete your donation or make your check payable to Center for the Arts Evergreen.